четверг, 8 декабря 2022 г.

Robot Structural Analysis Extension

 Зустрічаєм свіженький апдейт до Robot 2023. Що зробили:


·       Enabled the creation and assignment of default Steel Design parameters type in Robot when transferred from Revit. The Steel Design parameters type is based on analytical member Structural Role defined in Revit, such as Beam, Column, Girder, and Member.

·        Enabled the roundtrip of steel design parameters between Revit and Robot, so the Steel Design parameters type defined and assigned by a user in Robot Structural Analysis program is preserved after exchanging model with Revit.

Issues Resolved

·       Corrected the update of members and panels geometry when edited in Robot and sent to Revit.

·       Corrected the transfer of members from Robot to Revit when section rotation angle exceeds the range of (-180;180) degrees.

·       Corrected grid position update when edited in Revit and sent to Robot model.

·       Enabled analytical model transfer from Robot to Revit in case of German Structural template.

вторник, 28 июня 2022 г.

Первый Hotfix для Robot 2023

  Вышел первый hotfix для Robot 2023 устраняющий обнаруженные на старте баги новой версии. Скачать можно через Autodesk Desktop Application или Autodesk Accounts.

General Issues

·        Fixed an issue causing software instability in display visibility dialog.

·        Fixed an issue causing incorrect internal forces for single beams when selecting a load envelope in Load Take Down method.

·        Corrected shear modulus G value for user defined timber when saved to American Database.

Loads and Analysis

·        Fixed an issue causing misplaced loads displaying when displayed a member in a separate window.

·        Fixed an issue with linear loads on edges which are not applied correctly.

·        Corrected linear load double application to a panel with calculation model containing finite element mesh and load distribution by simplified method.

Steel Design

·        Corrected instabilities that might have happened in steel design module.

·        Corrected the selection of automatic combination component for steel connection verification in case of number of components exceeding 32 000.

среда, 4 мая 2022 г.

Robot Digest 2022.1

 Вышла новая версия Spider Pro, уже доступна в Autodesk App Store:

Stéphane Balmain демонстрирует новый (точнее хорошо забытый старый) Load Take Down метод. Он был реализован в благополучно похороненном продукте CBS pro:


вторник, 29 марта 2022 г.

Robot 2023

Снова весна и новая версия Robot на подходе. Список нововведений и улучшений можно посмотреть в онлайн справке:

